August 2024 Update Boston Post CaneDixmont Historical Society Committee August 2024 Boston Post Cane The Historical Society has created a wall exhibit to honor Dixmont’s past recipients of the Boston Post Cane. The history of this cane began in 1909, when the Publisher of the Boston Post newspaper forwarded a gold-headed ebony cane to the Board of Selectmen in 700 towns in New England. This cane was to be presented, with the compliments of the Boston Post, to the oldest male citizen of each town. Upon the death of the first recipient, the cane was to be handed down to the next oldest citizen. In 1930, after considerable controversy, eligibility for the cane was opened to women as well. The cane itself belongs to the town and not the person who received it. Over the years, many of the original selected towns lost track of the cane or discontinued the tradition. Dixmont is lucky enough to still have possession of the original cane sent to the town in 1909. This historical treasure is part of the exhibit in the Mount Harris room at the Town Office. Our original cane resides in a wall case, made by Fred Bryant, surrounded by photos of many of those who held the honor of being the oldest citizen in town. Current Dixmont cane holders are presented with a ¼ size replica, which they may keep. Next time you are in the Town Office be sure to check out the exhibit in the Mount Harris room. You will notice that there are several missing pictures. We are always on the lookout for any information and/or photos that belong in the empty frames, please let us know if you can help fill in the blanks.
More detailed information about the history of the Boston Post Cane can be found at: After many years, and much work, the beautifully renovated 1836 Town House has been open for use for several years now. Our biggest event occurs during the “Head for the Hills” town-wide event held every September on the weekend after Labor Day. We will be open to the public so hope to see you there . |