
The Best Place to Live in Maine
Beach sunset




The Town of Dixmont is responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of approximately 32 miles of roads. Moosehead Trail and Western Avenue are year-round State maintained roads, while Simpson Corner Road and the Kennebec Road are State maintained roads only in the summer.


Snow Plowing Contract

Here is the 2023-2024 Snow Plowing Contract between the town and d Hampden Hauling Inc. 




Gravel Roads Study

The Sewall Company has recently completed a comprehensive review of all the town gravel roads. This study made recommendations for grading and culvert replacement. It will help the town develop a long-term program for maintaining these roads.






2023 Road Paving Bid Specs




Road Commissioners:

Tim Rogers @   207-605-6411




Gravel Roads Study

The Sewall Company has recently completed a comprehensive review of all the town gravel roads. This study made recommendations for grading and culvert replacement. It will help the town develop a long-term program for maintaining these roads.
This is the official site of the Town of Dixmont