
The Best Place to Live in Maine
Beach sunset

Highlights of the Past Year

In 2010 the Dixmont Conservation Committee....

  • Grew from one to 7 members
  • Joined the Maine Association of Conservation Commissions
  • Attended presentations on Maine's Current Use Property Tax Programs (Tree Growth, Farmland, Open Space), Conservation Easements, Farmland Preservation, and Open Space planning
  • Met with Maine Farmland Trust to learn how its programs might help Dixmont preserve farmland for the future
  • Held a joint meeting with the Economic Development Committee to talk about ideas for promoting Dixmont's natural resources
  • Hosted a Fall Nature Walk on the Etna-Dixmont School trails
  • Assisted the Maine Dept. of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife with vernal pool surveys
This is the official site of the Town of Dixmont