
The Best Place to Live in Maine
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Dixmont’s rural landscape with its patchwork of farmland, large tracts of unbroken woodland, rugged hills, beautiful views, and abundant wildlife is the heart of our community. It’s why we live here and it’s what defines us to all who visit or travel through.



Dixmont Conservation Commission Awarded HealthySV Grant

The Dixmont Conservation Commission was recently awarded a $1000 grant from HealthySV (Sebasticook Valley) Creating Healthy Communities, part of the Maine Dept. of Health and Human Services, in the project priority area of increasing physical activity.

In order to meet the grant goal, DCC will take the lead in developing a walking trail on town land with interpretive signs and measurement markers. The trail will be a 1-mile loop, commencing at the Town Office parking lot and incorporating Old Rte 9 between the Townhouse and the Dixmont Corner Cemetery, and the wooded town land which runs parallel to it. 

DCC plans to call upon the expertise and energy of at least 20 individuals and 3 community groups to develop the trail. Benches, picnic tables and natural areas for children to explore and play on will be included. Come to the DCC tent during Dixmont’s community development weekend on Sept 8 & 9 to find out more about this project which benefits all town residents!


The Conservation Commission is an officially sanctioned board appointed by Dixmont's Select Board. A primary role of the Conservation Commission is to help the Town achieve the goals and objectives laid out in the Comprehensive Plan for protecting the natural resources we all value. Another role is to serve as a resource for landowners, residents and town officials on conservation and environmental issues. One of the Commission ’s most fun jobs is to provide opportunities for Dixmont residents to enjoy and learn more about the animals and plants in their own backyards.

DCC members are:

Dick Andren (Moosehead Trail)  •  Laura Bridgman (Cottrell Rd)

Grace Keown (Simpson Corner Rd)

Libby Orcutt (Cates Rd)  •  Gerry Sawyer (Miles Rd)

Beth Swartz (Kennebec Rd)  •  Anne Warner (Kennebec Rd)

Contact: The DCC meets the 3rd Monday of every month at 6:30 pm at the Town Office. Meetings are open to the public and residents are welcome to attend and participate in Commission discussions and activities. Ideas, concerns and questions may be addressed at one of our meeting or you can contact individual members. We look forward to talking with you!


This is the official site of the Town of Dixmont